Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Tune in Tuesday (#1): Book Playlists Edition

Tune-in Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Ginger from GReads. The theme for March is Book Playlists! Ever heard a song that reminds you of a book? Or maybe while you're reading you think, wow I know a song that would be perfect for this scene! If so, share it!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver & Lions in Cages by Wolf Gang

One of my favourite books and one of my favourite songs! When I first heard "Lions in Cages" it instantly made me think of dystopian novels as a whole, but in particular of Delirium. I think the lyrics and the overall tone fit both Alex & Lena's story and the atmosphere of their world in general pretty well. It's not too hard to guess which line always chills me a little.

In the city where I'm from,
There are lovers 'til the dawn.
and you stayed up to see the sun,
I couldn't wait that long.
Who's gonna get up after we're gone?
Who's gonna get up after we've fallen?
who's going to pick up what we've done wrong?
Who's gonna get up after we're gone? 
In the city, where I'm from
Lions in cages, just for fun
But you will pace around your cage, and wait for night to come
In the city where I'm from
they shoot you down, if you run.

This is Shyness by Leanne Hall & We are Young by fun.

The slightly off-beat, quirky sound and the theme of being young and the idea of feeling limitless for one night really reminded me of This is Shyness.

Tonight, we are young
So I set the world on fire,
We can burn brighter,
Than the sun.


  1. Awesome picks! I love the Delirium pick a lot! :D

    My Book Playlist this week. :)

    1. Thanks! :) Glad you liked it, I'm just on my way to see your picks! :)

  2. I love that last song..I actually heard it one day on a rare radio listing spree and called the radio station to ask what it was LOL!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) it's so catchy isn't it?!

  3. I haven't read the books (yet), but I love your song picks. We are Young is a great one. And it was my first time hearing Lions in Cages, but it's really good.

    My Book Playlist.

  4. Haven't heard "Lions in Cages" before, but I like the sound of it!

    1. Glad you liked it! :) it's one of those songs I can never get tired of!

  5. Oh what wonderful choices! I am currently in love with that Fun song, so I really want to read the book connected to that song now! Really great post! :)

    New to your blog,
    Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page
