Review Policy

Preferred genres:
★ Young adult
★ Literary fiction
★ Speculative fiction
All books of all genres will be considered on an individual basis.

Accepted Formats:
★ ARCs
★ Finished copies (paperback or hardback)
★ Ebooks (any format but preferably .mobi)

 Reviews are posted to this blog and Goodreads, but can be added to other sites (eg. Amazon) on request.
  I will do my best to get through books within a reasonable timeframe (2-3 weeks) and will always endeavour to review upcoming releases before the release date.
 I cannot promise a positive review, but will always be respectful both of the author and their work.

If you are interested in a review from La P'tite Bibliothèque or have any other requests, please contact me on laptitebilbiotheque (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hope to hear from you soon!